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25. April 2023

AB InBev’s BEES partners with Systrion for import of product data


"BEES, AB InBev’s own digital e-commerce B2B platform, already live in 20+ countries, offers the next step in digitization for AB InBev’s partners by providing access to a proven and powerful platform to an industry that still too often relies on analogue means.

BEES chose Systrion to partner and to import product data from the worldwide GDSN for its recent business operations in the German market.

The synfoxx and prootec solutions provide full access to all available data from all vendors in the GDSN. This creates a large opportunity for all suppliers & wholesalers to enrich their product data and images in an efficient and modern way, fundamental for product reach and enhanced user experience.

With BEES and Systrion collaboration, we are creating value together with and for our Partners!”

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João PetersBEES Partnership & SaaS Lead | Commercial Digital Transformation, Europe