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29. September 2020

Systrion and GEDAT supported the Krombacher brewery in the administration and publication of article master data

The restructuring and more efficient provision of article master data reduces logistics costs, reduces errors and supports eCommerce


The Krombacher brewery is modernizing its systems for the central administration of product master data and the publication to food retailers (LEH) and beverage wholesalers (GFGH). This simplifies the processes along the entire value chain, reduces errors and thus saves costs. Article information is an essential basis for orders and billing and also enables trading partners to operate e-commerce. Technology partners for the implementation are Systrion AG and GEDAT Getränkedaten GmbH.

Optimize internal master data management with synfoxx®/p

Simplifying the internal master data management, facilitating the provision to the GFGH and thus optimizing the master data supply chain - that is the goal of the Krombacher brewery. The Krombacher brewery decided to use the solution synfoxx®/p from Systrion AG as the new basis for all product master data. It enables the central collection and control of product information in various ways. The internal data structure of the sales products in the various units (bottle, crate, barrel) is adapted to customer needs and international standards. Systrion also advises on the structure of the data model, which will also contain production-specific information. This significantly simplifies the internal administrative effort. Master data for new products can be made available to business partners much more quickly.

Systrion has a passion for master data and convinced us with their competence. The company also advises us on the use of existing GS1 standards. This enables us to achieve the desired high level of flexibility in our own processes. Master data is the basis of all digital and automated processes and is therefore essential for survival in the future!", says Jan Beerwerth, Head of System Coordination at the Krombacher Brewery.

Publish article master data to the GFGH with getITEM

Articles from the Krombacher brewery will in future be made available to the beverage wholesale trade via the getITEM portal of GEDAT Getränkedaten GmbH. In April of that year, GEDAT expanded its range of services for the beverage market with getITEM. This involves the automated, internet-based provision of article master data for the beverage wholesale trade by the manufacturers. As a result, orders and confirmation of sales data are exchanged with increased quality and with significantly less effort.

Jan Beerwerth from the Krombacher brewery adds: “The German beverage industry has long neglected potential in a very difficult business area. The cooperation with the GFGH in the field of data exchange was - and unfortunately still is - characterized by paper-based processes and individual inquiries and is therefore suboptimal and error-prone for everyone involved. We are pleased that GEDAT has taken on the topic and was able to convince all important manufacturers, dealers and especially associations of this new platform with passionate commitment. "

The getITEM data service provides the entire beverage industry with uniform, valid and up-to-date article master data. This leads to savings in personnel costs, better availability of goods, fewer ordering errors and a reduction in logistics costs. As an industry standard, we enable the end-to-end digitalization of the value chain from the manufacturer via the GFGH to the catering trade and back again," says Wolfram Scholz, Managing Director of GEDAT.

Together with GEDAT and Systrion, the Krombacher brewery proves that the digitization of the supply chain and especially in master data management can still do a lot to reduce effort and costs. This achieves the necessary flexibility and speed of implementation in times of e-commerce and a high pace of innovation.