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13. September 2018

In the premium segment: Genuport manages international branded articles with synfoxx®/p

Genuport - one of the largest German importers and distributors of luxury foods and groceries - relies on the master data management of Systrion AG



Genuport Trade GmbH is the competent and independent marketing and sales organization for international branded goods: The company, founded in 1949, is now one of the largest importers and distributors of luxury foods and groceries throughout Germany. When it was founded, Genuport was known for selling confectionery. Today, the diverse portfolio includes sweet pastries, chocolate, confectionery & fresh sweets, salty snacks, drinks, fruit & vegetables, breakfast products, functional food, frozen food and delicatessen.

With the rapid growth of the company, the challenges of the ingestion of master data from new brands and its maintainance could no longer be handled manually and are now being solved with a professional and comprehensive master data program from Systrion.

Time is money

Genuport has been on a growth course for some time through the acquisition of new brands. In order to process the business efficiently, they were looking for a modern solution with an intuitive interface that can be used immediately with little training. In addition, it should be possible to import and check product data from a wide variety of suppliers through automated processes so that they can then be passed on to internal systems and, above all, to customers via the GDSN network and the 1WorldSync data pool. Systrion was able to cover all functions with its flagship product synfoxx®/p and fully convince Genuport.

"synfoxx®/p is a great solution for our company and our employees: comprehensive, but also modular - the latest technology, but also intuitive operation - no administration, but instead the fastest processing with high quality. This makes working with master data fun and we can handle new projects in a much shorter time - Genuport is well equipped for further growth ," says Sebastian Schenk, Head of Internal Sales & Logistics at Genuport.

10 new brands in one half year

In the first half of 2018, Genuport Trade GmbH took over the distribution of more than 10 brands. More than 300 items from vegan spreads to Italian vinegar products and drinks had to be added to the assortment in a short time. This included the data import, the data quality check and forwarding to the customers. Due to the organic certification of many products, new data attributes also had to be processed. The next step was over 130 products from the functional food area. synfoxx®/p now covers the entire master data supply chain at Genuport: procurement, testing, enrichment and forwarding of the data.

“We are happy about the benefit of our solution for Genuport. IT is not an end in itself, but should quickly generate added value. For this we have constructed synfoxx®/p as a SaaS solution and in projects such as that at Genuport we also bring our expertise, for example on trading processes, foodstuffs or the connection to SAP to the party. With our ready-to-run approach, customers do not have to fear long project times, but can start quickly, " says Wolfram Koller, CEO of Systrion AG.