Layenberger optimizes master data management with prootec and GDSN and realises significant time savings
Many companies know the situation only too well: the topic of “modernizing master data management” has been on the wish list for a long time. This was also the case at Layenberger Nutrition Group GmbH. The final impulse came when one of the major trading partners announced that it would close its portal for manual data entry. The specialist for functional nutrition from Rodenbach in Rhineland-Palatinate took the news as a starting signal. A reliable and user-friendly solution was needed to digitally provide retailers with product information via GS1 GDSN in the future. The right solution for access to the GDSN network was quickly found with the certified data pool prootec from Systrion AG. The transition went smoothly.
"We had been thinking about switching to GDSN for a long time," reports Anne Bier. The person responsible for master data maintenance still remembers the times when she had to post and update every article in different portals.
The challenges: Manual effort & portal closure
“We had used the retailer portals, including those from REWE and EDEKA.” Overall, she would have had to maintain the master data in five places for each change. And that for the company's 120 items. "It was a lot of manual effort."
A change to a modern solution has therefore always been an issue. “It became urgent when REWE announced that it would soon be shutting down the portal,” says Anne Bier. "It was clear to us: Now we have to take action and look for a solution. And that's what we did."
The solution: access to the GS1 GDSN, powered by prootec
The worldwide standard for the exchange of master data between manufacturers and retailers is the GS1 GDSN network. It was therefore Layenberger's goal to use this route in the future. Systrion AG offers a particularly modern access to the network with the data pool prootec. The GS1-certified web application is a SaaS solution and works on the basis of Microsoft Azure.
The solution enables Layenberger to enter and maintain its article master data in just one place. From here, the manufacturer of functional nutrition then more or less automatically serves the various sales channels with article master data, above all the food retail trade.
Since prootec is a SaaS solution, no installation was required for Layenberger. The Systrion team simply set up an account and registered the new GDSN participant with the organizer of the standard, GS1. Now all that was missing was the content – the actual article master data.
Smooth transition
"I didn't want old data to move from the portal to our new solution," says Anne Bier, who is responsible for master data. "That's why I decided: We want to take advantage of this opportunity. We're doing it all over again. We are re-entering all article master data.”
The quality awareness paid off. Not only did the transition to the new tool prootec go smoothly – the quality of the data is now also better. "It was a seamless transition," says Anne Bier happily. "We now not only supply REWE, EDEKA is also already working with the data that we send via prootec." In addition, Markant is already being supplied with product information via GDSN.
After the first good experiences, Layenberger is already planning to serve other sales channels via GDSN in the future. Options here are, for example, the Amazon shop or the specialized wholesale trade.

The advantages: time savings and data quality
The outstanding advantage of modern master data management using prootec and GS1 GDSN is of course its efficiency. “We save a lot of time. I entered a new article in prootec in ten minutes. It used to take me three quarters of an hour before I had updated the data in all the different locations," says the person responsible at Layenberger happily. “We no longer maintain the data in five places. We save massively.”
Anne Bier is also pleased with the excellent quality of her master data after the switch.
Good usability, onboarding and support
The master data specialist is particularly enthusiastic about the user-friendliness of the new solution. “Everything is going wonderfully. I get along very well with prootec. This is easy to use. I am more than enthusiastic about it.”
In addition to the easy-to-understand software, the onboarding at the beginning was also very helpful. The employee is also very impressed by the competence and friendliness of Systrion's support. "If I have questions, I know where to go. I always get the information I need.”
"That was a very positive contact with Systrion, right from the start," says Anne Bier, who is responsible for master data at the Layenberger Nutrition Group. She praises both the quality of the new GDSN master data solution with prootec as the data pool and the smooth transition, the easy to understand onboarding and the ease of use. As an additional benefit: The competent service. "I am more than happy. Our expectations were met. Everything works smoothly. And that's fun.”