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28. November 2022

Beverage industry about to build a digital bridge to the organic sector

Leading market participants are working on the standard for data exchange

The German beverage industry is making progress with digitization. The data portal getITEM, created for the special requirements of the beverage industry, is about to build a digital bridge to the organic sector. In the next few weeks, a new interface will enable beverage manufacturers to send their master data to the organic trade, automatically and without additional effort. The getITEM standard thus manages to connect previously separate universes. Beverage manufacturers can use it to easily and efficiently reach beverage wholesalers, food retailers via GS1 GDSN and numerous online shops, as well as organic retailers in the future.

The expansion of the getITEM standard is made possible by the collaboration of three partners, each of whom is among the leading providers in its segment. GEDAT Getränkedaten GmbH, Hamburg, is a joint venture of the leading drinks manufacturers. It operates a platform for the exchange of information in the beverage industry, on which 80 manufacturers and over 2000 beverage wholesalers exchange their item master and sales data. GEDAT is also the guardian of the getITEM data model. The decisive authority in the organic sector is DATA NatuRe eG, Obernkirchen, in which around 1400 member companies from the organic sector are organized, including many specialized retailers. The third partner is Systrion AG, Hamburg. The IT service provider is a specialist in the management of product information. It has developed cloud services that can be combined into a product information hub and thus into a complete solution for the efficient handling of product master data. In addition, Systrion AG has also been offering direct access to the international GS1 GDSN network with the certified data pool prootec since this year. Systrion AG is not only a technology supplier for GEDAT's getITEM data portal, but also a close partner of DATA NatuRe, so it is very familiar with both worlds. This technological and professional competence is the basis that makes the development of the interface possible in the first place. In addition, Systrion AG has also been offering direct access to the international GS1 GDSN network with the certified data pool prootec since this year. Systrion AG is not only a technology supplier for GEDAT's getITEM data portal, but also a close partner of DATA NatuRe, so it is very familiar with both worlds. This technological and professional competence is the basis that makes the development of the interface possible in the first place.


“Our goal is to make access to data as easy as possible for beverage wholesalers. On the other hand, manufacturers should get the widest possible distribution range via just one channel,” said Dirk Reinsberg, spokesman for the GEDAT stakeholder advisory board, at the end of August on the occasion of the further development of the getITEM standard. Beverage manufacturers are getting significantly closer to this goal by opening up the organic market segment. The new interface is currently in the test phase. Within the next few weeks, it should then be available to the German beverage industry and enable manufacturers to use getITEM to place their beverages in the organic sector even more easily in the future.